Queer & Trans Anti-Colonial Night March
Friday June 21st,
4pm: Queer Intifada Gathering @ Allan Gardens
9pm: March @ Sunset
Decolonise Pride: Pride is an anti-colonial protest, not a neoliberal tourist attraction. Bring your radical politics to demonstrate that the QT community stands united against co-optation. This event is part of a series to reclaim Pride. Our QT community can and will unite to take Pride back to its roots to represent liberatory politics rooted in anti-colonial practices.
Bring Your Rage, Zines, Snacks & Creativity
We’ll gather to make signs and discuss how the co-optation of QT representation causes harm locally and globally. This includes impacts on QT, BIPOC, and homeless communities, as well as our siblings under attack in Congo, Palestine, Sudan, and around the world.
Pride Toronto monetizes the Pride Parade, Trans March, and Dyke March. This co-optation of the protests that were originally created by grassroots community and then taken over by Pride Toronto without consent has many detrimental effects, such as:
    - Breaking down QT solidarity across borders
    - Aligning our community with colonial wars
    - Erasing our history
    - Demoralising & demobilising our people
    - Withholding education from our young
    - Disrupting community development
    - Gatekeeping resources
    - Escalating colonial trauma
We will also discuss concrete steps to de-corporatise and reclaim Pride, Trans March, and Dyke March, while disrupting and challenging colonial narratives perpetuated by racist and capitalist forces exploiting LGBT identities.
Nightfall: We unleash the fires of Anti-Colonial Resistance 🔥
#qtcase #anticolonial #queerliberation #transliberation #freepalestine #freesudan #freecongo #antipoverty #antiwar #abolitionist #nonprofitindustrialcomplex
Some signs and messaging from previous protests:
Build Community, Not Non-Profits - Queer & Trans Solidarity Across Borders - Trans Liberation, Not Trans Rights - Fund Co-ops, Not Social Housing - Fund People, Not Social Workers - CAS is The New Residential Schools - Increase OW & ODSP rates - Take Back Trans March - Take Back Dyke March - End The Prison-Industrial Complex - Transformative Justice, Not Carceral Laws - Social Work is a Policing System - Social Housing is a Prison Industrial Complex - Shelters are Poverty Jails - Woman Life Freedom - End Colonisation in Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Kashmir, Tigray, Haiti, Turtle Island... Everywhere!